A complex balanced kinetic system is absolutely complex balanced (ACB) if every positive equilibrium is complex balanced. Two results on absolute complex balancing were foundational for modern chemical reaction network theory (CRNT): in 1972, M. Feinberg
proved that any deficiency zero complex balanced system is absolutely complex balanced. In the same year, F. Horn and R. Jackson showed that the (full) converse of the result is not true: any complex balanced mass action system, regardless
of its deficiency, is absolutely complex balanced. In this paper, we present initial results on the extension of the Horn and Jackson ACB Theorem. In particular, we focus on other kinetic systems with positive deficiency where complex
balancing implies absolute complex balancing. While doing so, we found out that complex balanced power law reactant determined kinetic systems (PL-RDK) systems are not ACB. In our search for necessary and sufficient conditions for complex
balanced systems to be absolutely complex balanced, we came across the so-called CLP systems (complex balanced systems with a desired "log parametrization" property). It is shown that complex balanced systems with bi-LP property are absolutely
complex balanced. For non-CLP systems, we discuss novel methods for finding sufficient conditions for ACB in kinetic systems containing non-CLP systems: decompositions, the Positive Function Factor (PFF) and the Coset Intersection Count
(CIC) and their application to poly-PL and Hill-type systems.