Volume 66 (2011) number 3
Mathematical Chemistry
T. Doslic, T. Reti: Spectral Properties of Fullerene Graphs, pp. 733-742
Q. Chou, H. Liang, F. Bai: Remarks on the Relations between the Permanental and Characteristic Polynomials of Fullerenes, pp. 743-750
P. W. Fowler: Mobius Systems and the Estrada Index, pp. 751-764
J. Li: A Note on the Maximal Estrada Index of Trees with a Given Bipartition, pp. 765-768
B. X. Zhu: On the Laplacian Estrada Index of Graphs, pp. 769-776
J. Li, W. C. Shiu, W. H. Chan: Note on the Laplacian Estrada Index of a Graph, pp. 777-784
S. K. Ayyaswamy, S. Balachandran, Y. B. Venkatakrishnan, I. Gutman: Signless Laplacian Estrada Index, pp. 785-794
K. Xu, I. Gutman: The Greatest Hosoya Index of Bicyclic Graphs with Given Maximum Degree, pp. 795-824
Z. Huang, S. Chen, H. Deng, X. Wan: The Merrifield-Simmons Index of Acyclic Molecular Graphs, pp. 825-836
S. Ren: Merrifield-Simmons Index of Tree-Type Hexagonal Systems, pp. 837-848
J. Y. Shao, F. Gong, I. Gutman: New Approaches for the Real and Complex Integral Formulas of the Energy of a Polynomial, pp. 849-861
X. Hu, H. Liu: New Upper Bounds for the Huckel Energy of Graphs, pp. 863-878
J. Y. Shao, F. Gong, Z. Du: Extremal Energies of Weighted Trees and Forests with Fixed Total Weight Sum, pp. 879-890
X. Li, H. Lian: Conjugated Chemical Trees with Extremal Energy, pp. 891-902
B. Huo, S. Ji, X. Li, Y. Shi: Complete Solution to a Conjecture on the Fourth Maximal Energy Tree, pp. 903-912
E. O. D. Andriantiana: Unicyclic Bipartite Graphs with Maximum Energy, pp. 913-926
W. H. Wang: Ordering of Unicyclic Graphs with Perfect Matchings by Minimal Energies, pp. 927-942
B. Huo, S. Ji, X. Li: Solutions to Unsolved Problems on the Minimal Energies of Two Classes of Graphs, pp. 943-958
L. Xu: On Biregular Graphs whose Energy Exceeds the Number of Vertices, pp. 959-970
J. Liu, B. Liu: E-L Equienergetic Graphs, pp. 971-976
Z. Tang, Y. Hou: On Incidence Energy of Trees, pp. 977-984